With a renewed enthusiasm for photography and local history, I set out this blog as a record of my experiences with images and narratives. It is my hope that you find something of interest on this site. Please feel free to contact me for more information on any of the posts. You can see a comprehensive list of my blogs at my website :- http://www.davidnurse.co.uk

The surprising Science of happiness

 Today I watched, once again, the TED TALKS called "The surprising science of happiness" by Dan Gilbert.
If you have not seen this, and have 20 minutes free, I recommend you take a look at this.
I find Dan's delivery great, despite the fact he talks too quickly.
Straight out of the gate he is interesting and lighthearted and informative.
 A really enjoyable 


TED TALKS: The surprising science of happiness


If you find yourself enjoying this then stop by his other TED TALK "Why we make bad decisions" his insight once again will get you thinking especially about the trying to work out "value"


Pay special attention to the Holiday Offer, and the theatre ticket. Fascinating!


 TED TALKS : why we make bad decisions 


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Bridgend, United Kingdom
A renewed interest in photography and local history.

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